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Friday, November 18, 2011

Labi Sync v1.20 S60v3 Signed Official version(updated 14/11/2011)

Labi Sync v1.20 S60v3 Signed Official version(updated 14/11/2011)

What is Labi?

Labi is a personal information sync tool that provides real time two-way sync of contacts, calendars,SMS, call logs, photos and other data between mobile phone and labi.com
When your Labi get online, you can remotely control your phone to send or receive SMS through website
And also you can push anyfiles into your mobile phonefrom computer via Labi.

What's new :

1. Add a contact group synchronization options

2. Add the background to optimize the underlying link

3. Improve the link reliability

4. Optimization of push function

5. Open the access point to optimize Process

6. Optimize synchronization process

7. Fixed non-normal weight off even after the problemcan not be automatically

Enjoy now
